As your loved ones watches over you from heaven above,
know that your loved one protects you with the purest love,
every time the wind blows upon your ear,
know it is your loved one quietly you hear.
A guardian angel of your own to guide you in your day,
trying to keep you from life's troubles and dismay,
we are all blessed in many ways as we go through life,
even though sometimes we find ourselves in strife,
A Guardian angel to hold you when you were down,
letting you know nothing is worth a frown,
smiles are happy things that catch on like a tune,
so I hope you will be wearing one, of very soon.
If ever you are in doubt just close your eyes,
see your guardian angel soaring through the skies,
spreading love and happiness for you to see,
once again your sadness you will be free.
Notes From The Inside - 2009

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Victoria Gilbert
02 4327 9359
1/26 The Entrance Road, The Entrance NSW 2261 (Upstairs)
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